Tomorrow Is Too Late

Toronto Hardcore Punk in the 1980s.


Scope: Editorial Design

The 1980s: On the upside: big hair, bright colours. On the downside: the Cold War, double-digit unemployment.

In Toronto—and across North America and Europe—a punk rock scene known as “hardcore” emerged as a fast, vibrant voice of protest. Thirty years on, a handful of hardcore veterans began to dream of documenting that scene. We were enlisted by the book’s authors, Derek Emerson and Shawn Chirrey, to help copyedit and design the book. We set ourselves an ambitious goal of keeping the era’s DIY spirit alive within a sophisticated design and professional format.

The result, Tomorrow Is Too Late, is packed with more than 300 pages of rare photographs, original flyers and raw memories from the people who were part of the scene.

Studio: Goods & Services
Creative Directors: Carey George & Sue McCluskey
Design: Nic Bradford, Taylor Toth, Sarah Rafter, Hélio Teles & Kristine Planche
Images: Taylor Toth

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2023 © Hélio Teles
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