Grand Junction Park is a new, all seasons, multifunctional development proposed by the City of Westfield, Indiana.
Scope: Brand Strategy, Naming, Visual Identity, Signage
Studio: Bruce Mau Design in collaboration with Land Collective
The challenge was to create an inclusive and engaging visual identity, bringing all the neighbourhoods of the municipality around the park and its activities. Community involvement was key in developing the brand strategy and positioning. Interviews and workshops were conducted to get insights into the community’s expectations of the project. A playful graphic system was designed to enhance the democratic value of the park and its activities, the iconography at its core evolves and grows with the park.
Creative Directors: Elvira Barriga & Cristian Ordóñez
Designer: Hélio Teles
Architects: Fred Thwainy, Jordan Bischoff
Project Manager: Raylene Knutsen
Photography: Alan Karchmer